Monday, January 18, 2010

Happy Birthday, ME!!!

Yup, it's my birthday! The best is that I don't have to go to work today....SOO nice! This past year has had it's ups and downs, but I certain that this coming year will be great!

My list of top 5 things that happened this past year:
5. Never made a trip to the emergency room or stayed over at the hospital with Brynley!!
4. Nearly lost my job, hit rock bottom, but now can see the light of day!
3. John was able to work for another year with his company
2. Cut and colored my hair about 4 different times, 4 different ways...
1.Realized my happiness is dependent on me, my out look, and that I am of worth.

So, since it is my birthday, I thought I would write a list of 10 things I would like to do during my 33rd birth year. Then, in a year check back to see what I was able to accomplish...

10. Get a pedicure (it always makes a girl feel good).
9. Get a massage at least once every four months or so...
8. Buy a new couch.
7. Lose at least 10 lbs, and keep it off.
6. Go on vacation with just my husband
5. Read the Book of Mormon completely.
4. Go to the Temple at least once a month.
3. Read once book just for fun.
2. Remember others by sending cards/notes (at least 3 a month)
1. Gain a stronger testimony so I can be better in-tune and help others more.

Ok, so one more... I want to live life, not just survive or exist...LIVE it!

Well, we shall see....


Miss Jill said...

Happy Birthday!!! What great goals you have for this year. You inspire me to be a little better and do something about making sure that I have a better year as well. Oh, I miss you and so wish that you lived a little closer (sigh). I hope your birthday was wonderful! Love ya girl.

Angie said...

Happy Birthday my sweet sister!
I am glad to hear that you achieved such wonderful goals and I know you will achieve all of your new ones for this year. Always remember that I love you so much and that to truly live, you must love yourself and find true happiness in your heart. BIG HUG!!!