Friday, April 17, 2009

Yes, it's more likely to Snow for Easter than Christmas!!

I wonder why people who are native to this area are always so shocked when it still snows in April? The last 8 years it has always done this? Yeah, Yeah I want spring time, and we get that too..with rain storms all through the summer. Hello people, you live in the Rockies!!! Not Texas!

In Parker, streets look mostly like this, but
it is so terrible down in Castle Rock. I think right now they are reporting 8 inches...which I totally believe!! With being so high there, they wer getting dumped on when we left school.
What we are having now here in Parker is what it was like at 8:00 in Castle Rock. Nasty drive home, until I got to Stroh Ranch. I DO beleive that they will get a lot of snow down there.
This morning I was SO hoping for a snow day, with the forcasters saying we would probably get 10 - 18 inches in Castle Rock. But, no. Nope, we all trudged down to work, and tried to be positive knowing that we would probably be stuck at school, then have to try to make it home in horrible conditions.
By 9:00, the rumor was that we would be sending kids 11:00 we find out that we are going to have the kids stay for lunch, then send them home, closing the school by 1:30. I had 7 kids not come in, so we played games, went to specials, then learned a new song to go along with our Marketplace unit. (Which was a lot of fun , and spent nearly 45 minutes playing..I mean learning it.)
Of course, contacting parents and letting them know that we are closing the school, and then asking what arrangements they had for their child was an added bonus. Like teachers are the ones that decided to make the kids come to school for a few hours only to call parents home from work in the middle of the day was OUR (i.e. the teacher's) idea. Yup, I much rather drag my kids out of bed at 6:30 in the morning, travel unsafe roads at 35 miles per hour (on a road that is 55mph), and entertain kids for a few hours (since learning is really out of the question on days like this), just to interupt and inconvenience the parent. Yup, that is what I like to do!!
Anyhow, the funny thing about it all is that the snow storms really aren't as bad as what Utah winter storms are like. I can't figure out why it is such a big deal here, why they have to close schools, etc. I can't remember if Utah school buses are better equiped or what. I do know that the school district is spread out more, and that there are more rural parts to every school out here (yeah Colorado for building in green spaces into neighborhoods). But, still, I am not sure why things close down out here. I do think that one reason may be because when it dumps here, it really dumps! Hence, 18 inches predicted in Castle Rock.
Still, I am baffled as to why the natives, or the people here, complain so much when we only get a few days of snow, and then it is gone within 1-2 days. We have it pretty good! Decent temperatures through out the year, snow that is gone within days, not too hot and not too cold. We have it pretty good!
Well, I am going to stop rambling, and get to more important things like checking my facebook. By the way...I am so glad school WAS cancelled!!


Bonnie and Kent and sons said...


Please join our blog. We are We are hoping to keep in bettet ouch this way. Marilyn gets her brain picked each time we talk because we want to know haw all of you are doing. Let'skeep in touch.

Love, Bonnie and Kent

Bonnie and Kent and sons said...

Sorry cousins,
I must have been punch drunk last night when I typed this request. I really can spell! Let's keep in touch. We are serious when we tell you that we welcome you as family guests to our vacation suite. Come visit us at

Bonnie and Kent