Oh, and we bought a house, too! Closed on the house Labor Day weekend, moved over the weekend, then three days later I went to Vermont. I felt so guilty!!
We are starting to get settled in this huge place.
Friday, November 05, 2010
New House
Back to School
WOW! Time to Catch Up!
So, I guess the world of FACEBOOK has taken over, and I haven't updated this for almost 8 months. So here we go....
This summer I took the kids to Utah for three weeks. Here are a few pictures:
BBQ and Fireworks at Aunt Tiff's
Uncle Cam caught frogs for B.
E and Grandma enjoyed game time.
Went to North Fork with cousins.
Of course some play time at the pool.
Feeding the ducks with more cousins.
Special play time with Aunt Angie.
Grandma taught E how to mow the lawns!
We had a great time in Utah!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Quick Trip to Missouri
Saturday, February 20, 2010
I Hate Being Poor!!
This is not a cheerful post, so if you want to ignore it, you just may want to...
It seems that there are constant reminders of how poor we are. (I know, count your many blessings...but sometimes it is ok to be down....and I feel down...)
1. Had to relinquish my rights to my kitty. I fought so hard to get her, and she was so perfect. Quiet, no clawing of furniture, used her potty...Perfect. But earlier this week she ate a bracelet of Brynleys and it got stuck in her small intestines. Needed surgery, and we couldn't pay for it. Too many medical bills with B...so, I cried all day hoping to find a miracle, and in the end had to sign her over, and walk away. She was more than a cat. She was a step to having a normal life. Heartbroken!!
I'm reminded of a line from one of my favorite movies: Sleepless in Seattle
Doctor Marcia Fieldstone: What are you going to do? Sam Baldwin: Well, I'm gonna get out of bed every morning... breath in and out all day long. Then, after a while I won't have to remind myself to get out of bed every morning and breath in and out... and, then after a while, I won't have to think about how I had it great and perfect for a while.
2. Eric and Brynley keep wanting to be in sports. Last fall I had to tell Brynley that she will never get to play soccer like her brother, since she can't play contact sports. Then quickly told her we would place her in dance. Well, once again, money is so tight that we can't afford to place her in dance, or Eric in any sports. (I know... a time and a season for all things...)
3. Would love to have my own house, but will probably be an eternal renter. We have absolutely no savings, so I have no idea how this would ever become a reality. Especially since for the last year we have been waiting for John's job to come to an end. So that leaves my income, which will be limited with the problems in DCSD and the lack of funds. Plus hitting the top of my pay scale unless I go back to get my masters...which again needs $$$.
I know I need to have faith that it will all work out. I know that everyone is feeling the same way, the effects of the economy, so I need to be more understanding... Tomorrow I will try counting those blessings, meanwhile, today, I will be sad, and feel sorry for myself.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Happy Birthday, ME!!!
Yup, it's my birthday! The best is that I don't have to go to work today....SOO nice! This past year has had it's ups and downs, but I certain that this coming year will be great!
My list of top 5 things that happened this past year:
5. Never made a trip to the emergency room or stayed over at the hospital with Brynley!!
4. Nearly lost my job, hit rock bottom, but now can see the light of day!
3. John was able to work for another year with his company
2. Cut and colored my hair about 4 different times, 4 different ways...
1.Realized my happiness is dependent on me, my out look, and that I am of worth.
So, since it is my birthday, I thought I would write a list of 10 things I would like to do during my 33rd birth year. Then, in a year check back to see what I was able to accomplish...
10. Get a pedicure (it always makes a girl feel good).
9. Get a massage at least once every four months or so...
8. Buy a new couch.
7. Lose at least 10 lbs, and keep it off.
6. Go on vacation with just my husband
5. Read the Book of Mormon completely.
4. Go to the Temple at least once a month.
3. Read once book just for fun.
2. Remember others by sending cards/notes (at least 3 a month)
1. Gain a stronger testimony so I can be better in-tune and help others more.
Ok, so one more... I want to live life, not just survive or exist...LIVE it!
Well, we shall see....
Monday, December 28, 2009
Christmas at the Cabin

We were so excited to spend Christmas at Grand Lake in a cabin. It was everything we had hoped for!

The whole family went skiing one day. Brynley only made two runs, then was completely worn out.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Dedication to Eiyse- Cam and Angie's Boy
... if he wakes in Your arms... by R. A. S.
I can hardly see through my tears... today I sent my best friend of years and years
Please keep this poem in its entirety and attribute it to the author if you download it and use it in any way. Thank you. Copyright © 1996 by R. A. S.