Monday, June 08, 2009

Notes From Church

Yesterday, our speaker in RS focused her lesson on a line from the song Choose The Right: "Choose the right, let no spirit of digression overcome you in the deepest hour." We discussed that we all need to have great faith to battle the spirit of digression.

What do we do, personally, to help get out of those depths? How does your faith move you forward? Some said they took a bath, listened to music, made a phone call, physically removed themselves to a better place like the temple grounds. I shared how my mother reminds me that there is a time and a season for all things...and I have learned that with Brynley and the roller coaster up good times and bad, that it is ok to feel mad, feel disappointed, feel overwhelmed, but it does us no good to dwell upon that. That we must pull our selves out of the depths.

I personally try to call a friend (Destre Downing) who doesn't mind listening to my depressed moments. I am thankful for her. She always finds a positive spin on things, and reminds me that all trials do come to an end.

No one is exempt from trials...there are only variations...

From the Ensign, May 2004 by Elder Dennis E. Simmons:

Our scriptures and our history are replete with accounts of God’s great men and women who believed that He would deliver them, but if not, they demonstrated that they would trust and be true.

He has the power, but it’s our test.

What does the Lord expect of us with respect to our challenges? He expects us to do all we can do. He does the rest. Nephi said, “For we know that it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do.” 19

Our God will deliver us from ridicule and persecution,

but if not. …

Our God will deliver us from sickness and disease,

but if not … .

He will deliver us from loneliness, depression, or fear,

but if not. …

Our God will deliver us from threats, accusations, and insecurity,

but if not. …

He will deliver us from death or impairment of loved ones,

but if not, …

we will trust in the Lord.

Our God will see that we receive justice and fairness,

but if not. …

He will make sure that we are loved and recognized,

but if not. …

We will receive a perfect companion and righteous and obedient children,

but if not, …

we will have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, knowing that if we do all we can do, we will, in His time and in His way, be delivered and receive all that He has. 20

Have faith, and trust in Him. This is my testimony. Misty


Beth said...

Misty, this is beautiful. Thanks for posting this.